Variadic Functions

This Go program demonstrates the use of variadic functions and the spread operator.

// Importing the "fmt" package, which provides functions for formatted I/O.
import "fmt"

// Function sum takes a variable number of integers as parameters using the ellipsis (...) syntax.
// It prints the input numbers and calculates their sum.
func sum(nums {
    // Print the input numbers.
    fmt.Print(nums, " ")

    // Initialize a variable to store the sum.
    total := 0

    // Iterate over the input numbers and calculate the sum.
    for _, num := range nums {
        total += num

    // Print the calculated sum.

// The main function, which serves as the entry point for the program.
func main() {
    // Calling the sum function with two integer arguments (1 and 2).
    sum(1, 2)

    // Calling the sum function with three integer arguments (1, 2, and 3).
    sum(1, 2, 3)

    // Creating a slice of integers and passing it to the sum function using the spread operator (...).
    nums := []int{1, 2, 3, 4}


[1 2] 3
[1 2 3] 6
[1 2 3 4] 10

Now, let's break down the code and explain each part:

  1. Function Declarations:

    • sum(nums This function takes a variable number of integers using the ellipsis (...) syntax. It prints the input numbers and calculates their sum.

  2. Main Function:

    • main(): This is the entry point of the program.

    • sum(1, 2): Calls the sum function with two integer arguments (1 and 2).

    • sum(1, 2, 3): Calls the sum function with three integer arguments (1, 2, and 3).

    • nums := []int{1, 2, 3, 4}: Creates a slice of integers.

    • sum(nums...): Calls the sum function with the elements of the nums slice passed as individual arguments using the spread operator ....

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